I’m happy to say that early this month, three of the four fulfillment centers received their copies and have begun shipping!

If you’re one of the 70 backers not in the US or Canada, be on the lookout for a bear on your porch. And once it shows up, make sure to check out our Board Game Geek Page where you can participate in forum inquiries, provide feedback, and rate Outrun the Bear.

So what about those of us who are in the US and Canada? I’ve got good news for you too! The boat carrying your copies of Outrun the Bear is scheduled to arrive in port on June 2nd. That means your games should arrive between June 30th and July 14th. If anything comes up that delays that, I’ll let you know right away. But with how great Gamesquest has been to work with on the fulfillment process, I’m not too worried about any delays from this point forward.

Speaking of how great Gamesquest is…

Award Nomination

So one of the awesome parts about working with Gamesquest is their association with the UKGE. Because of that association, I was able to submit Outrun the Bear for the 2023 UKGE awards- and it was nominated for UKGE’s 2023 Best Family Game! Even though we didn’t win the judges’ pick (that honor went to Next Station London, which is also up for the Spiel Des Jaris) it was a huge honor to be nominated. I hope that you too can take some pride in having made this game become a reality.

One other bit of news…

Podcast Episode

At Gencon 2022 I met PJ, one of the voices behind the MEEPLE2MEEPLE podcast he’s a great guy and a helpful play-tester. Back in March, he and his co-host Gareth did an episode on racing games in which they talked about Outrun the Bear. You can check it out here. 

Before I sign off, if you’re not a backer yet but you would like to pre-order a copy there is still a couple weeks for you to get your paws on the game through Backerkit. Just follow the button at the bottom of this email.